Understanding Today’s Modular Website Design Strategy

The modular website conceptOver the years,  website design strategy has changed.

The “new strategy” gives us the latest technologies and most appealing design elements possible — at a fraction of the costs involved using the “old design strategy”. This post tells you how and why.


It would be nearly impossible for one individual to design, modify, host and secure a world class website (with complex applications) within a reasonable time frame and at a reasonable cost using the old strategy.

But today, with the help of a global community of expert designers, graphic artists, programmers, platform architects and database application experts, it’s not only possible, it’s well within reason.


PHP is the scripting language of WordPress, which works well with HTML and CSS (the foundation of modern web design and layout). But it also enables back-end MySQL functionality for practical, preconfigured “plugin” applications which power interactive forms, e-commerce, member communities, calendars, calculators and many other useful tools.

In a modular design world, one set of specialists can focus on the design and layout “module”, another set of specialists can focus on plugin application “modules”, while another (customer facing) specialist brings it all together to meet a project’s specific “final assembly” and marketing needs. We are that customer facing specialist – and your local business partner for web based marketing.

A good analogy is a musical trio of keyboard, percussion and string instrumentalists. Each musician is a focused specialist, yet the final product of their collaboration (the music) is of a higher form than the sum of each individual part.

Our theme developers create the first leg of this “modularity” by creating visually appealing design layouts, incorporating various creative scripts to enhance visual appeal. They will sell “single use” licenses to many “final assemblers” for, say, $60 each and a few unlimited use licenses for perhaps $1600 each, all from the creation and marketing of a single well-developed theme.

So, for example, a world class WordPress theme developer can easily sell 300 single use, and 12 multi-use licenses in two years for a top notch theme. That comes to $15,000 in revenue for a single theme.

So businesses could have a world class theme as the foundation of their web presence that would cost maybe $15,000 to be “theirs exclusively”, vs $1600 or less to have a final assembler customize that foundation to their specifics. Is there anything on the web today original enough to warrant that price difference? Probably not, but that’s for customers to decide.

So the first leg of today’s modular design strategy is a given: acquire a world class foundation for your web presence at a fraction of what it would cost to have it developed exclusivley for you. Then, let an experienced local developer customize that theme to your organization’s brand / image.

We install and modify elements and applications to your specifics.  And from an inbound marketing standpoint, we apply advanced SEO skills (plus years of practical sales and marketing experience) to make good things happen for your business.

As applications are updated, and new applications become available, we are able to “plug them in” rather than redesign the entire production (as the old strategy would require).

Clearly, the new modular design strategy is far superior to the old. There is no longer any real benefit to paying thousands of dollars for a unique design that becomes obsolete in a few years (or less).

Just as global corporations are migrating their old mainframes to ” dot net open source” for economies of scale and modularity, small businesses can take advantage of similar open source benefits – with today’s modular strategy.

You should expect no less from your local web presence partner.